Does any other manufacturer make Baumann trucks?
Most certainly not! Baumann Cavaion (Italy) is owned by Mr Wolfgang Baumann and produces the only Baumann side loaders in the world in the factory he established in the late 1960’s
What is your connection to the Irion name?
Baumann purchased the Irion name from Kalmar in the late 1990’s; we produced a Baumann /Irion model until the brand was sold to the Terra Group in 2007. Today an Irion side loader is produced by the Bulmore group but it is not a Baumann design or produced side loader; it is the same design and production as other Bulmore brands, Jumbo and Lancer
So if I bought an Irion unit today it is the same truck as an Irion bought in 2000?
No, we produced a Baumann/ Irion; today you would buy a completely different truck. Today an Irion brand side loader would be of the same design as the other Bulmore brands – Jumbo and Lancer.
Why do you use Baumann Cavaion and not simply Baumann?
When the Irion brand was sold there was confusion regarding the Baumann name; we use Baumann Cavaion (Cavaion being the home of our factory) to eliminate any confusion.
Who are your UK dealers?
We have various local dealers throughout the UK please contact us and we will be happy to direct you to your nearest dealer.
Why don’t you display your dealer list?
At present we are reviewing our service and sales partners in the UK; we favour the smaller local dealer with experience of side loaders and the local area as opposed to one company covering the entire UK. We want long term partners who love our product as we do, people who will support our customers the way we would want and this takes time, although locating your nearest dealer is just a click away.
Do have a UK office?
Yes we have a small sales office based in the UK; based from this office we have a Baumann representative who co-ordinates our dealer activities, supports our product in the UK and acts as a customer interface when required.